How we use your data

We are so used to giving companies our personal data these days, from a simple email address all the way through to sensitive data like credit card numbers or dates of birth. We can often forget what we have given, when and what for.

To make it easier to request information about your data  and the way we process it, we have created a form which can be filled out below.

Within the form you can ask for any of the following:

  • Opt-out of marketing communications (this can also be done on the email you receive by clicking Unsubscribe).
  • Update Data (this is when we have something incorrect and you would like us to change it).
  • Info Request (this is known as a Subject Access Request).
  • Data Deletion (please note that in requesting this you are requesting that we delete every bit of data we have on you - this will be processed within out data retention and privacy policies).
  • Object to Processing (this is when you want us to retain your information but do not want to fully delete your data ).
  • File a Complaint
  • Review Automated Decisions (to help us do things sometimes we use automated processes.  Under GDPR you have the right to ask when your data is being processed automatically without human involvement).
  • Data Portability (The right to data portability allows individuals to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services.  You have the right to request that we share the information we have on you in a formate that allows you to take it to another company or system).
  • Restrict Processing (if you are generally happy with the way we use your data but would like us to stop processing it in a specific case or within a specific system - this is the place you need to request it).

To process these requests we use an industry leading system called OneTrust which allows as to process your request within agreed timeframes whilst also helping us to verify your identity.

If at any time you would like to review our current privacy policy it can be done here.

Should you at any time have any issues with the way in which we have processed your data then please submit the above form selecting either "info request" or "file a request".  The details of our data protection officer as well as our ICO registration can be found within our privacy policy

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For more details, see our privacy policy.

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